Preparing for an EEG visit

Thank you for participating in an EEG study with the BRAINS Lab! We are grateful for your time and look forward to meeting you in-person.

Electroencephalogram, commonly known as EEG, is a way of measuring brain responses using sensors in a stretchy cap, similar to a swim cap, that is placed on the scalp. We will use an applicator to gently move the hair below the sensors out of the way and apply a salt-based gel to the surface of your scalp. Once the cap is in place, and we have a good signal, you will complete some tasks while brain responses are recorded.

Here are some instructions to help you prepare for your visit:

  1. Please arrive with clean and dry hair. Try to avoid using hair products before your EEG, particularly products directly applied to the scalp. 
  2. If you use contacts, we suggest wearing glasses during the computer tasks to reduce eye irritation and movements. You are also welcome to bring eye drops to keep your eyes moist. 
  3. Wear comfortable clothes in washable fabrics in case any gel gets on your clothes.
  4. After the EEG, you will have hair gel throughout your hair and will need to shampoo thoroughly within 24 hours. We have towels and a restroom available for rinsing your hair if you decide to wash prior to your departure. 
  5. After the EEG, you may want to deep condition your hair since the gel can be drying.

EEG and Hair Care Preparation

We recognize that different hair types have different needs and care routines, and we are happy to work with you on a plan that fits your hair. For example, we can schedule your EEG appointment around your typical haircare routines (e.g., wash days or when your currenty style is being undone for a new one). If you have recently had your hair styled and need to reschedule your appointment, please let us know.

Here are some recommendations for hair preparation depending on your hair type:

If you have curly hair (low to medium density), we recommend washing your hair 1-2 days before the EEG. On the day of the visit, we suggest detangling and dampening your hair with water and/or leave-in conditioner on the ends before styling into a braided crown, tight low bun, braided pigtails, or 2-strand twists. We may need you to loosen your hairstyle with the fit of the cap.

If you have tight curls or coily hair (high density), we recommend washing your hair 1-2 days before the EEG. We suggest detangling and dampening your hair with water and/or leave-in conditioner on the ends before styling into a tight low bun, 2-strand twists, or flat cornrows. Try to split your hair down the middle to provide as much access to the scalp as possible, especially across the midline. We may need you to loosen your hair style in some places to help with the fit of the cap.

If you have locs, we recommend scheduling the EEG right before a retwist. Before the EEG, we the roots of your hair and flatten slightly with a wrap while your hair dries. Be sure that your hair dires completely before the EEG.

If you have straight or wavy hair, we recommend washing your hair the day before the EEG. Brush or comb your hair and scalp thoroughly the day of the EEG and arrive with your hair down or in a tight, low ponytail or bun.